Thursday, January 24, 2008

An Introduction

If you've found yourself viewing this page then let me just say welcome. I suppose I should express my intent with this blog up front. It is to be a compilation of my views on many things ranging from politics (and the analysis there of) to current events to reviews of movies, video games, etc. and even the nature of life itself (though only sparing amounts of the later will be dolled out as it is sometimes quite tedious). So there you have it. I will always try to be professional with my opinions and back up my opinions with solid facts. This isn't some trivial compilation of articles about how I feel. Rather it is sound critique based on logic and reason. Hopefully I'll be able to adaquitly explain the path to my conclusions, but if not then I welcome any respectful and fact-based disagreement.

1 comment:

Kippy said...

w00t Blake got teh blogz!!!

welcome to the world of blogging!
its a fun filled journey with stormtroopers and jellyfish. It's not, but i just wanted to post and say i'll be reading your blog! you're on my rss feed now!